What word perfectly captures and describes who you are?
The word that describes me the most would be ‘survivor.’ I’ve survived death, I’ve survived hurtful words, I’ve survived depression. So, I would describe myself as a survivor, a fighter.

As an activist, what are some of the challenges you may have faced within the advocacy space, and how did you overcome them?
As an activist, the challenges I’ve overcome are mockery, insults, and often even verbal and physical violence. But I’ve overcome this by talking to people around me, ceasing to listen to people’s hurtful words, and instead focusing on myself and my goal.

What inspires you to continue working within the community?
As an activist, what motivates me to continue working with my community is the hope that the day will come when we can live happily in freedom, without insults. Indeed, there will always be homophobia, but we’ll overcome that because we’ll have achieved our goal. That’s what gives me the hope to keep going so that, in the future, I can see all this greatness.

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